Introduce yourself? Preferred pronouns? Where do you currently reside? 1 fun fact about yourself?
Katie (she/her), currently living in Berlin.. & currently learning how to shuffle cards.
How is everything going with you right now?
As good as things can be, happy & healthy so I can’t complain. There have been a lot of things to be grateful for this year.
What are you missing from pre-covid life?
The possibility to travel and see friends and family in different parts of the world.
Who currently inspires your music-wise?
MassieDome, Cousin, Plush Managements (Regfant, D. Tiff), GOD69, Space Cadets, Low Flung.. Lots more!
4 DJs you would want to see on a lineup for the first party post covid asap?
Millu, Lis Dalton, DJ Fart in the Club, Byron Yeates
What other activities have you dipped into with a break from djing/touring etc?
I have been learning how to print lino, airbrush and paint silk with my babe which has been an amazing way to channel new creativity outside of music. During most of the summer, we made a gigantic mixed media tapestry with a bunch of friends who would add their little touches to it when they came to hang out.. It is absolutely ridiculous but has been v fun…. Tapestry of Sound record coming soon!
Let’s play a pipipi game… I give you a situation & you give me a track
18hr acid trip with your childhood crush
Waist high foam party in Lisbon
First step of an endless spiral staircase
1 track to explain 2020 to future generations
Favorite weird drug experience?
Being dressed head to toe as one of the twins from the Matrix on a New Years Day boat party in Perth. Picture full-length trench coat and horrific makeup on a 39°C day whilst everyone else looked smexy in leather bikinis.
Why do you think it’s important to share music?
Personally, it allows me to connect with people, sharing part of myself or something that means something to me, when people share music with me I get a better understanding of who they are.
What would you like to see in the future for the dance community?
Smaller venues hopefully able to stay open. More consideration from promoters in curations of parties, appropriate bookings with intention of a night rather than names on a bill. Deeper value of local scenes and the willingness to work together in these – less gatekeeping. More day parties, outdoor parties. Genuine progression with overall diversity, less tokenism.