Introduce yourself? Hometown? Where do you currently reside? 1 fun fact about yourself
Hi my name is Joey. My hometown is Birmingham, MI. I currently live in Hamtramck, a small city within the city of Detroit. One fun fact is that I never went to Senior Prom!
If you could place a dj booth anywhere in the world… where would it be & what would you play?
On a blimp and I would fly it around blasting beats
Favorite collective/scene at the moment?
Lately ive been even more in love with Detroit and all the artists that live here…. Could write a book on it! But elsewhere I love everything Mdo/Sample Park/Terry Radio/West Mineral/Kansas people are doing – love the sound the aesthetic and the energy. Seems like cool stuff is going on in Toronto, Montreal, Pittsburgh, and Philadelphia. Also love the Base Camp Beta podcasts – hearing a lot of great people discuss the contemporary scene/industry/landscape.
Earliest musical memory?
Singing & dancing to my parents Was Not Was/Sade/Steely Dan records with one of those big bright plastic kiddie microphones.
Favorite mix series?
Listen to 11:11 in your mix… what color do you see?
Rusty Orange
Favorite movie rave scene?
Matrix Reloaded Cave Rave
Favorite decade for music and why?
70’s & 95-05. So much amazing music came out in the 70’s, and then from 95-05 so much amazing music was made by sampling all of that amazing music.
How do you hydrate at a gig?
Drink water, then drink MORE water
Dream b2b?
GiGi Martin
Let’s play a pipipi game… I give you a situation and you give me a track
Walking down an endless spiral staircase
b2b with an actual alien from space
Rave at your local suburban mall
In a greenhouse with your BFF
Favorite late night snack?
Sweet Sapphire Grapes aka Witches Fingers
Advice to beginning dj’s?
Learn the rules then break them. Don’t be so serious. Always be a student. All genres and all bpms are valid and have a time + place. Be yourself.
Secret weapon track?
DJ Pet Peeves?
People who stand behind you while Djing when you did not allow them to
Where do you want to be flown out to play in the future?
Toronto or Montreal (bus works too!!), Tblisi, Mexico City
Where do you see your rave self in 30 years from now?
Living in a forest compound in northern Michigan – gear/DJ set up in a dome – forest raves.
Most underrated artist at the moment?
What would you like to see in the future for the dance community?
Less hot takes, more deep debates