Introduce yourself? Pronouns? Where do you currently reside?
Ello, I’m Jackson. Pronouns are He/Him. Residing in Eora/Sydney
Who/what currently inspires you music-wise that has nothing to do with music?
Water and light mostly

Favorite DJ mixing trick?
Lighthouse Foghorn as dub siren
If you had to trade your USB with one DJ, who would it be and why?
Maybe Objekt so that my playlists could finally be somewhat organized
How do you avoid burnout?
Ambient Viewing is probably the main trick. Shout out to ambient kings Jarred (DJ Plead) and my brother Ben – We share a lot of our youtube finds. My favorite atm is Malcom Douglas’ adventures, recommended by another friend Hugh B. It was soundtracked by Don Burrows and the lack of editing leads to beautifully calm nuggets of things like berry eating and kicking sand

Best gig of your life so far?
Hard one…grateful for lots of good mems. The Inner Varnikka Live in set in 2018 w/ Freda & Jackson is up there as a special one though
Best childhood musical memory?
Sitting at a place called ‘Sanity’ in fox studios in Sydney at the 6-player CD booths with my brother. Listening to the 6 hottest discs of the time each month or so – Destiny’s Child, Early Gorillaz, The Strokes, Daft Punk, Radiohead, Outkast etc etc featured. Also once saw Jamiroquai play live out front of that spot for free
Who would you want to DJ your wedding?
Maybe Theo Parrish + a whole line up of my friends and family
What is the theme song of your alter ego?
Favorite music youtube channel?
Not the biggest tuber for music though I recently found Orakle Kanal and think it’s great. The Orakle Cast 60 with Reptant is particularly good
If you had to go back in time music wise what era would it be and why?
I think I’d prefer to go forward

Let’s play a pi pi pi game… I give you a situation & you give me a track
Cooking Coq au vin for your lovers mother
Christmas on acid
In the womb with no room
What is your favorite party/collective where you reside and why?
Too many faves. Some heavy hitters off the top are Umami/Echo Flats/Heavenly/Community Chest. They are %100 in it for the experience. Community Chest is a joint force crew of about 7 great crews from Sydney – It’s kinda like when the power rangers come together to make that big robot fighter guy
What was your best moment at the supermarket?
They were playing Bill Withers in a Woollies once and it got me

Longest you’ve stayed up and why?
I don’t remember how long it was. The reason I stayed up so long is also the reason I don’t remember
What is your most recent favorite DJ mix and why?
Max D only plays by Max D’s rules
Track that makes you think about being in love..
Any advice to upcoming DJs/producers?
Enjoy your life & be kind to others

What would you like to see in the future for the dance community?
More love and respect, always