Introduce yourself? Preferred pronouns? Where do you currently reside? 1 fun fact about yourself?
Hi i’m Gigi — he/his — austin, tx — i was a childhood ice hockey star
How is everything going with you right now?
I am fortunate enough to be well.. been using this year off from work to dive into a practice and learn some discipline.
Any fun predictions for 2021?
The return of the irl music scene, bigger & better?
How did you get your DJ name?
I got it from my partner, Mimi — she flipped my original g-name into Gigi & it stuck. I never liked my birth name much anyway + it’s cute to match.
What change do we need in the dance scene post-pandemic?
Locally, I’m hoping that Austin will come out with greater openness to styles of music that have traditionally gone underappreciated and underrepresented here.
Who currently inspires your music-wise?
ry, tito fuego/mister water wet, charles, bobby, nueen, boundary, jel, purelink, pascäal, ian kim judd, jung dj, shiner, downstairs j, hysterical love project, perila, oli/px, thurlow joyce
+ many more.. so many friends exploring inspiring places these days
What other activities have you dipped into with a break from DJing?
I’ve actually delved more into music than ever the past year.. that being said, my cocktail/spirits interest has escalated quite a bit, much to the chagrin of my already overflowing liquor shelf.
Favorite thing to cook currently?
Green shakshukah, crispy skin salmon, picadillo
Most underrated artist of 2020?
Gotta be boundary.. up next
Let’s play a pipipi game… I give you a situation & you give me a track (youtube links plz)
Track to describe your favorite scent
2069 on Mars
Velvet lined restaurant 1 red light
Escape room with your grandparents
Line-up for the first official party out of the pandemic?
6-hr rooftop chillout set with everyone listed in the inspiration question
If you had to describe yourself as a flower, which one would it be and why?
Mimi says “frost flowers because they’re ephemeral”

Favorite weird drug/mind-altering experience?
Sensory deprivation tank before the rave at shirley’s temple (r.i.p.)
What is your most recent favorite DJ mix and why?
Lately I’ve been looking for a balance of home-listening restraint & engaging pacing/variety. These all hit the spot–
-tito fuego’s kapha selections mixtape is a new fav
-ian kim judd’s fifth world series for nts always hits
-physical therapy’s car culture remissions for hnypot is pretty 🤯
-p relief’s kinda series for dublab also very consistent
-jan woo & image man’s lot radio sets are a lovely wild combination
-heavily bumped daniel rincon’s sad cowboy mix trilogy & the libramix back catalogue on last summer’s southwest roadtrip
What was your first gig? How did it go?
It was a show put together by ben aqua at an upstairs club on downtown congress that i don’t recall. i was 18 & had only started making music on ableton a few months prior, and played a live set that mostly consisted of pressing play on a 30 min composed production mix with a little knob twiddling & dj drop triggering. considering that, i’d say it went pretty well
Describe your favorite thing to drink and how it makes you feel?
A bottle of rum from the island of Fiji. below is the review I read that made me immediately head to my local store to grab one, I’ll let it speak for itself—
“nose: bio waste, old soil, coffee dregs, vegetables that slowly start to rot and behind all of that a wall of burnt plastic.
palate: old, nearly rotting vegetables and again the oh so familiar bio waste. then there’s rubber (more like condoms actually), plastic as well as some fruits which I cannot really decipher.”
Why do you think it’s important to share music?
Sharing/making music is basically the only thing I feel I’m able to invest myself in fully with no doubts or second-guessing — it feels so natural to me & I would guess many others share that same sentiment.
What would you like to see in the future for the dance community?
I think it’s obvious, but increased representation without tokenism. also, turn away from the DJ & look at your fellow dancers.
Any cool releases upcoming for Gi Gi this year?
I don’t want to speak too soon, but I do have a couple of records in the pipeline with quiet time & index, both of which I’m very excited about. Working on some more uptempo material as kept that should be seeing the light of day soon as well.