Introduce yourself :} Where do you live currently? Hometown? One fun fact about yourself?
Hi. Im DJ Angel de la Guardia and some of you reading this may be familiar with my project Person of Interest. I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, grew up in South Florida, went to school in San Francisco and now reside in Queens, New York – aka the greatest city in the world! 🙂
Fun fact, in my 19th year, against the advice of my friends and family, I hopped freight trains across the USA. If you spend enough time with your self on a big old train, the sounds and rhythms of the tracks will treat you to the sickest techno.
Current gear set up?
I’ve been producing on mostly is Elektron Octatrack, Access Virus the red one, and Korg Wavestation. Lots of other little bits come in and out but mostly those I’d say. This mix was recorded from 2 1200s and a numark 2-channel mixer.
Describe one of your first dj gigs in depth?
One of my first gigs was a live set for Industry of Machines night at Bossanova like 2013 or 2014 or so with Vereker and Florian Kupfer. I think the back patio was still a thing and we went to Tina’s diner on LSD after. Fun night. Oli was mixing dance mania to regis and ur then and i just remember whole thing being so raw and fun 🙂
Let’s play a pipipi game~~~ I give you a work & you give me a track
Paint a picture of your third best dance move…
What do you wish to see in the future for the dance community?
Young people challenging conventions, making the old heads mad. This includes me.