Introduce yourself? Preferred pronouns? Where do you currently reside? 1 fun fact about yourself?
Miss Parker, They/Them, currently residing in Chicago, retired horse girl
How do you feel about music at this moment in time?
I really love what’s coming out of the Chicago techno scene atm, ALTVR, DJ VALENTIMES, in NYC Buzzi, Xiorro, and AceMoMA, and labels like ParkingStone, Low Income Squad, Puppy Tapes put out some really interesting production/tracks. Dance music is going in so many directions atm and I think ppl are into so many different genre styles all together so it’s exciting to see how ppl mix and reference.
What do you think djing will look like 20 years from now?
I think djing will be much more diverse, and inclusive. I also think it’s hard to know where music will be then, but i’m optimistic/curious about what raves are going to sound like in the future. Festival EDM’s days are over.
Let’s play a pipipi game… I give you a situation & you give me a track
What it was like to be a teenager
In the grocery store 30 person line
Acid trip where everything appears to be baby blue
b2b with jeff mills
Advice to beginning djs?
Practice, practice, practice! Don’t be afraid to ask to play a party or an event, and take all the gigs you can but don’t overextend yourself and know your worth.
If you could curate one stage at a festival… what would the lineup be?
Lords of Acid
Eiffel 65
Describe the best dj/live set you have witnessed before corona?
Isabella live at now defunct 444 Club in Brooklyn. She dropped her track Strawberry Switchblade – Go Away (Isabella’s Ripe Remix). The atmosphere in the space was so sick, icey blue lighting and fog that felt impenetrable. I think I screamed during the whole track I was floored. She’s truly a legend
Describe the vibe of your first DJ set?
Late 90s – 2000s NJ and Nyc house, with cunty R&B, some old techno Moby tracks, lots of vocals
Describe the first moment where you had an epiphany about your love for music?
It was probably just having the realization that music makes my life go round, music is political, I love raving, I love bodies in motion, and it’s a lifestyle. I try to not go a day without listening to music and looking for new tracks.
Favorite weird drug experience?
I tried DMT for the first time in college in my dorm bathroom with one of my best friends who had been a DMT fanatic, so I tried it with him. Every time the fog from the shower steam would roll over my friend’s face he started to look more and more like a demon. His ears got pointy and his face started to scrunch up like he was an angry troll doll lmao.
Any advice about what to do with free time during this moment of social distancing?
Just really taking time for yourself…go on little solo adventures, collect your thoughts and mind. Talk to yourself.
What would you like to see in the future for the dance community?
I want to see Trans identifying people headlining most shows. I want to see better door policies at raves and clubs. I want most lineups to be Black and Brown majority. I want to see more funding going into dance music culture in America as we see in Europe. I want to see more DJs that do their research and be not afraid to mess up a little, no more robotic djs.
Venmo or contact info for a club/yourself/or someone in need during this time.
My Venmo is: @Parker-Bright