Introduce yourself? Preferred pronouns? Where do you currently reside? 1 fun fact about yourself?
I’m Liv (or Olivia, Regular, or Regfant), she/her/they/them. I’m from Victoria BC, living in Montreal. One fun fact about myself is that I paint dog portraits.
How is everything going with you right now?
I’m good yeah, still in one piece after winter and 5 months of curfew.
What is summer looking like for you?
I’m working on kind of a debut Regfant album with Canadian label Specials, as well as a solo EP for my label Plush Records (with D.Tiffany) — I’ll also be doing some mixes, playing some gigs (Piknic Electronik on July 4th), and looking at some dates for NYC and LA! I’ve got some French school in July, and I’m going to visit family for the first time in a while..
How did you get your DJ name?
I was taking notes in my first year art history class and I was writing some words on the side of the page — regular and fantasy were two of them. I needed a name for my soundcloud page (2010) so I picked that name, and it stuck.

What change do we need in the dance scene post pandemic?
In a perfect dance music scene, there would be a variety of people and venues that throw events in harmony. I’m hoping the pandemic shines light on how important dancing, music and entertainment is.. How it brings people to cities and out of their houses and makes the world go ‘round. I think a lot of blame and negative connotations are associated with dance music, bars, clubs, afterhours, and having fun in general. *In a perfect world* the post pandemic has more leniency for afterhours, art spaces, DIY venues, clubs and bars. I hope more people take initiative and open their own spaces and studios and collectives and get shit popping again. I guess a perfect dance music world wouldn’t rely solely on big institutional clubs. I don’t really know a fair solution, but I hope our cities don’t just turn into a giant condominium complex. I hope that the importance of entertainment helps protect arts and music instead of villainizing it. Maybe there are laws, rules, clauses and sanctions that are in place to help the arts and music scene post pandemic.
Who currently inspires your music-wise?
Hmmm… my friends.
What other activities have you dipped into with a break from djing?
Doing a lot more painting (@sweet__escapes), cooking, baking (started a gluten free instagram @_gf_af), thrifting, cleaning. I got a big loft style studio with some friends and I go there a lot and hang out.

Favorite thing to cook currently?
Experimental tacos.
Most underrated artist of 2020?
Kristian North
Let’s play a pipipi game… I give you a situation & you give me a track
Desert rave pink cowgirl themed
Solar eclipse on a roof with your best friend
30 years from now walking around the parking lot in the suburbs
If you had to describe yourself as a bug,which one would it be and why?
Woodbug. I have a hard shell but I curl up when I get poked.
Favorite weird drug/mind altering experience?
Reflexology Foot Massage
What is your most recent favorite DJ mix and why?
CFCF’s Shift Radio mix. Maybe it was because I was there in person,but it just had good vibes and the sun was setting and it felt like a party.
And Will DiMaggio’s latest lot radio mix. Always love his mixes! Nice range of deep cuts. Bless.
What was your first gig? How did it go?
I used to have a project called Cover Girl and I would play covers with guitar and a guitar pedal with beats. I would get really nervous so I can’t remember any of it but I played at the fifty-fifty arts collective in Victoria in 2010 and opened for Calvin Johnson and Slam Dunk!
Describe your favorite thing to drink and how it makes you feel?
Mineral filtered water. It’s just got that natural clean feel.
Why do you think it’s important to share music?
It feels good.. What else is there?
Any cool releases upcoming for you this year?
Plush 003 EP
Specials “New Glow” LP
Rendezvous Remix EP
E-Prime Remix
Earth Clan Remix