Introduce yourself? Where do you currently reside?
We’re Ike & Brooklyn, and we live in Melbourne.

Favorite place to enjoy nature?
I: My parents’ house in Golden Bay at the top of NZ’s South Island.
B: That’s mine too, or a beach like Otama on the Coromandel Peninsula. Especially when the pohutukawa are blooming.
3 adjectives that start with the same letter to describe yourself as a teenager.
B: Boisterous Boozy Bitch
I: Insular Infatuated Indie
What was the first gig you played in Australia?
Our first & only gig here so far was for Mezzanine at Miscellania in February this year, not long after moving here. We don’t like playing often… but we do love Misc.

Listen to the moment at 33:33 min mark in your PI mix… describe how it makes you feel?
B: Losing it & loving it.
I: Solid but absorbent.

Favorite lyrics?
B: Untitled by Interpol
I: Half-Gifts by Cocteau Twins
If you could transfer all your musical knowledge into one interest that had nothing to do with music, what would it be and why?
B: I’d transfer my (rudimentary) knowledge into carpentry & upholstering so I could make insane but mumfy furniture.
I: I think just language, maybe starting with Spanish?
Best trip of your life so far (Psychedelic or Travel)
B: On the coast of Albania with 12 gorg friends… which included an elaborate murder mystery night. It’s the trip that inspired the lyrics to our song Ionian Sea, which were initially written semi-ironically (fun fact).
I: Yeah this, and the following few days in Montenegro just the two of us.

Let’s play a pi pi pi game… I give you a situation & you give me a track…
Jetlagged in Taipei on a new moon
Lost in a grassy crop circle… one hour left till dusk
NYE y2k style as someone in their 30s
Dream place to travel to right now?
We’d looove to go to Japan, hopefully next year.
Favorite sound in recent memory?
B: The way the sound travels on a clear morning as summer approaches here. Ike showed me how to use this to guess the weather when our black out curtains in Berlin did a lot of heavy lifting.
I: The beat on RXKNephew’s ‘Free Palestine’
Favorite drink before a performance?
B: Peach Crush Hydralyte
I: Cold beer

What would you like to see in the future for the dance community?
Smaller clubs, more dancers, less DJs 😋