Introduce yourself? Hometown? Where do you currently reside? 1 fun fact about yourself
My real name is Taylor Hawkins. I was born in St. Marys, OH! But i spent most of my teenage and early adult years in metro detroit so that feels more like home than anything else. Currently residing in Seattle, WA. 1 Fun Fact = Once I was in the same bar as Taylor Hawkins from the foo fighters. Dear other Taylor Hawkins, HMU if you ever wanna jam
If you could place a dj booth anywhere in the world… where would it be & what would you play?
I’d love to play some tunes on the ocean floor where it’s pitch black and everything is bioluminescent and a little alien.
Earliest musical memory?
Probably listening to the blues. My parents were big on late 80s/ 90s blues revival stuff. We listened to a lot of Buddy Guy, Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaughn, oh god I’ve heard that one Jonny Lang album so many times
Listen to 11:11 in your mix… what color do you see?
Fuschia and deep blue
Favorite movie rave scene?
Oh oh oh oh that one episode of star trek voyager where a young Q turns engineering in a rave
Favorite decade for music and why?
Probably the 80s. I love disco stuff from the early 80s where it’s a hybrid of really talented engineers and producers, scaled back groups of live musicians alongside early drum machines and synthesizers. Not to mention the invention!! of hiphop, dancehall, house and techno
How do you hydrate at a gig?
I’m really bad about drinking water at gigs but at home and work I’ve usually got a quart container of water I’m working on
Dream line-up?
Just me and my friends DJing together and dancing together. Somewhere where we all feel comfortable. As a dancer and as a DJ, those are the most joyous parties.
Let’s play a pipipi game… I give you a word and you give me a track
Favorite late night snack?
There’s too many! I love snacks! Right now, i’ve got a box of ice cream sandos in the freezer tho
Advice to beginning dj’s?
Don’t worry so much about playing the right tunes or trying to fit your style into something that you’re not 100% about. Just play tracks you love.
Secret weapon track?
One of my fav budget bangers is S-express – Lollipop. There’s a million copies out there because it’s on the b-side of Superfly Guy and it goes really hard. There’s lots of variations of that one release so you gotta make sure you grab a copy with this b-side on it.
DJ Pet Peeves?
When the crowd’s too fucked up! If you can’t stand up anymore, it’s time to go home
Where do you want to be flown out to play in the future?
Anywhere! I love visiting new places
Where do you see your rave self in 30 years from now?
Hopefully still making music and still DJing. I don’t go out that much relative to some DJs because balance is really important to me – I don’t wanna get burned out on the things I love doing.
Most underrated artist at the moment?
Sighup/Nohup is a killer seattle DJ that deserves all the recognition in the world. If everything goes according to plan, we’ll have a record coming out together this year
What would you like to see in the future for the dance community?
It’d be rad to see more of a culture of people buying music rather than pirating or streaming it. It does feel like things are moving in the right direction with the recent growth of bandcamp but I can’t help but feel like Big Streaming is a terrible behemoth where no gets paid but the platform.
Best track for getting down ;)?
There’s only one possible answer to this question! www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JFQQnW_B5w